Free Downloadable Samhain Worksheet

for spirit realm connection



(6 customer reviews)

Ready to celebrate Samhain? We’ve got a Free Downloadable Samhain Worksheet to help you do it! This custom worksheet was beautifully designed by my team to give you an overview of Samhain, along with corresponding herbs, oils, gemstones, and journal questions to help you explore and embrace the energy.

Samhain is an ancient Celtic festival of death and rebirth that falls on October 31. There are eight pagan holidays or sabbats in the Wheel of the Year – one for the beginning of each season (equinoxes and solstices) and one in the middle of each season (called cross-quarter holidays). Samhain is a cross-quarter holiday in the middle of autumn. 

The word Samhain means ‘summer’s end’ in Gaelic (pronounced Sow-wen) and is considered the end of the Celtic year. Samhain is the Velvet Curtain — a metaphor for the veil between worlds that is both thin and dark, comforting and protective, mysterious and magical. During Samhain, the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest. It’s easier to connect with your spirit guides and ancestors. It’s also the perfect time for shadow work and to practice divination.

Join our free online The Black Wedding Samhain Event on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at 5 pm PT. Learn more and RSVP here.

To download your worksheet, add this listing to your cart and checkout. After you checkout, you can download this worksheet directly from the website.

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6 reviews for Free Downloadable Samhain Worksheet

  1. 3rkline

    Excellent information for both seasoned and beginners on the Sabbat.

  2. Jill Zitnay

    The information and reflection questions take the event to another level. It is wonderful to see the changes over the months and year.

  3. nitab07

    This is a very informative worksheet and very helpful for celebrating my first Samhain. Thank You.

  4. The Zen Den G

    I just want to say that I truly appreciate Athena and everyone at SG! I truly love and appreciate all the work that you put into everything that you beautiful beings do including these worksheets , they are seriously amazing and always helpful!!!
    So much love Anna

  5. Diana Davis

    I love this! So informative and a great guide to follow and answer the questions.

  6. Erikah Parcher

    I love these worksheets because it gives a little information and background and prompts reflections which really helps me with my journaling because sometimes I have a hard time finding a starting point.

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