• Tumbled Hiddenite

      for heart-healing and release

      Reveal your heart’s hidden wisdom with this Tumbled Hiddenite. Hiddenite, or green spodumene, is a Heart Chakra stone that reveals what’s hidden from view — including your subconscious feelings and energies that no longer serve your highest purpose. This rare variety of spodumene gets its...
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    • Tucson at Twilight: Natural Hiddenite Crystal

      for love

      Sometimes, we need a reminder that the energy streams of love, healing, and gratitude are always available to us - and this Natural Hiddenite Crystal from Brazil is the perfect stone for just that. We found this wonderful gem at the Tucson Gem and Mineral...
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    • Ancestral Connection Crystal Grid

      to access your lineage

      Shadow season and Samhain is the best time to connect with your lineage, and this Ancestral Connection Crystal Grid will help you open that door. This offering is a custom Sage Goddess-designed set that features a beautiful wooden gridding board and a 13-stone grid including...
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