• Courage and Confidence Smudging Set

      to glow from within

      Spark your inner power and embrace the warmth of the Sun with this Courage and Confidence Smudging Set! This set was handcrafted with love right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters and is meant to activate your Solar Plexus Chakra – your center of self-worth and...
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    • Tumbled Cosmic Stone

      for spiritual journeying

      Fly away to realms beyond our own with this Tumbled Cosmic Stone sourced from Brazil. Cosmic stone is barite and carbon in quartz, an incredible crystal combination that deepens meditation, facilitates spiritual exploration and journeying, and helps you access angelic energies. Barite is a potent...
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    • Clear Quartz Flame

      for magnifying your magic

      Amplify your intentions with this gorgeous Clear Quartz Flame. This piece was custom-made just for Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from Madagascar. Clear quartz is the most popular stone for good reason. It amplifies, magnifies, and you can program it to do almost...
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    • Gemstone Generator Perfume Bottle

      for deeper scent magic

      What happens when crystal healing merges with the art of perfumery? Pure magic, in the form of this Gemstone Generator Perfume Bottle! This gorgeous piece was custom-made just for Sage Goddess with stones sourced from China, and it provides a beautiful way to showcase your...
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    • Clear Quartz Sphere Holder

      to magnify the power of your gems

      Amplify the magic of your favorite gemstone spheres and eggs with this gorgeous custom-made Clear Quartz Sphere Holder. Clear quartz is the most popular stone for good reason. It amplifies, magnifies, and you can program it to do almost anything. This stand will strengthen the...
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    • Summon Wealth Wallet with Clear Quartz and Green Aventurine

      Ready to become a money magnet? This Summon Wealth Wallet with Clear Quartz and Green Aventurine is your abundance ally. Originally a part of my Live the Good Life Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Set, this gorgeous wallet is now available on its own! This...
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    • “Om Mani Padme Hum” Clear Quartz Plaque

      for thresholding

      Bless yourself and anyone who walks through your door with this custom-made “Om Mani Padme Hum” Clear Quartz Plaque! This stunning offering is modeled after a thresholding plaque I have in my very own home. Suspended by two metal loops and colorful sari silk, this...
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    • Samhain Black Obsidian Smudging Heart Bowl and Gem Set

      for cleansing & clearing

      If you’re ready to release, let go, and clear away what no longer serves with grace, this Samhain Black Obsidian Smudging Heart Bowl and Gem Set is for you. It features a black obsidian heart-shaped bowl for holding your smudging tools and five gemstones, including...
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    • Black Tourmaline Cat Mini Charging Plate

      for protection

      Infuse your gems and space with protective vibes with this Black Tourmaline Cat Mini Charging Plate. It was custom-made just for Sage Goddess, and the stone was sourced from India. This offering combines the curious and adventurous nature of the cat spirit animal and the...
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    • Grounding Intention Jar with Almandine Garnet and Clear Quartz

      Looking for a boost of earth energy? This Grounding Intention Jar with Almandine Garnet and Clear Quartz is here to help! The next in our line of mini intention jars, this custom-made offering features a glass jar filled with almandine garnet chip stones for grounding...
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    • Super 7 Portal Sphere

      to open spiritual doorways

      I can’t even BEGIN to describe the intrinsic power this Super 7 Portal Sphere holds! This sphere sourced from Brazil is the real deal. Some say super 7 doesn’t exist anymore, but keep an open mind because Gaia likes to surprise us. This sphere comes...
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    • Phantom Quartz Wands with Chlorite for total healing and abundance

      I am so excited for you to work with these Phantom Quartz Wands with Chlorite. Phantom quartz occurs when a ‘phantom’ – or ghost point outline – is visible within a solid quartz point. These phantoms are made up of chlorite, a mineral of healing...
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    • Natural Brookite in Clear Quartz

      for spiritual wisdom

      Unlock the doors to expanded and deeper levels of wisdom and spiritual awareness with this Natural Brookite in Clear Quartz that was sourced from Pakistan. Brookite is a powerful Earth Star Chakra stone that facilitates interdimensional access. It’s one of the Synergy 12, a group...
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    • Get Focused Set

      for clarity and concentration

      Clear away mental clutter and hone in on what truly matters with this Get Focused Set! I designed this set to support those with ADHD, but it’s useful to anyone struggling with focusing. We live in a world filled with distractions, and many of us...
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    • Triple Moon Clear Quartz and Rainbow Moonstone Wand

      for lunar magic

      Are you ready for one of the most beautiful and potent wands I’ve offered? Harness and amplify lunar energy as you explore the realms of infinite potential made possible through magic with this Triple Moon Clear Quartz and Rainbow Moonstone Wand! Custom-made just for Sage...
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    • Clear Quartz Sphere

      for amplifying your intentions

      Amplifying your dreams, wishes, desires, and more with this Clear Quartz Sphere! Clear quartz is the most pervasive crystal in the gem world and has three major properties: Amplification, programmability, and magnification. The stone for this beautiful sphere was sourced from Madagascar. We like spheres...
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    Showing 17–32 of 174 results