• Red Jasper Regeneration Vogel

      for a new start with restored balance

      Are you ready to hit the restart button on something in your life? This Red Jasper Regeneration Vogel is a perfect tool for rebooting. It removes unwanted energy and restores balance and grounding. Vogel crystals are named for a very special scientist, Marcel Vogel (1917-1991)....
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    • Indian Picasso Jasper Shadow Integration Generators for balance

      The beauty of this time of year is that it allows us to embody all aspects of ourselves - the light and dark, the savory and unsavory - without judgment. These Indian Picasso Jasper Shadow Integration Generators are the perfect tools to work with as...
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    • Natural Moss Agate for grounding, balance, and healing

      This Natural Moss Agate is so lovely – and it makes the perfect addition to any gem lover’s crystal arsenal. Moss agate is beautiful, strong, rooted, and deeply supportive. This gem has been hailed as a healing stone throughout history and has been revered by...
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