• Muse Incense Sticks

      for creativity and inspiration

      Activate powerful clearing and creativity with my BRAND NEW Muse Incense Sticks! These custom Sage Goddess incense sticks were handcrafted right here at SG Headquarters. They’re inspired by my Muse Perfume, a warm, earthy fragrance made to spark your imagination. Just like the perfume, these...
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    • Earth Star Incense Sticks

      for ancestral connection

      Deepen your connection with Mother Earth and the ancestors with these Earth Star Incense Sticks, handcrafted right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters with my Earth Star Chakra Perfume - a rich, earthy blend of apple, ginger, and sandalwood. Apple has a crisp, refreshing scent. Ginger...
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    • Moongazer Incense Sticks

      for clearing and lunar magic

      My Moongazer Incense Sticks are BACK and ready to take your mind, body, and soul on a journey into the depths of the night! These incense sticks were lovingly handcrafted right here at Sage Goddess Headquarters and infused with my Moongazer Perfume, with notes of...
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    Showing 25–27 of 27 results