Purple Fluorite Guide: Properties and Meaning

Purple Fluorite Properties

Color: Purple
Mohs Hardness: 4
Chakra: Crown
Crystal Structure:Isometric
Location: Global

About Purple Fluorite

Purple Fluorite is a highly sought-after crystal known for its powerful properties. It is associated with the Crown chakra, located at the top of the head, which is associated with spiritual connection and enlightenment. This crystal helps open and activate the Crown chakra, allowing for a deeper connection to the divine. The color purple, which is also associated with the Crown chakra, makes Purple Fluorite an ideal stone for this energy center. It helps individuals find their purpose, stay focused on their soul path, attract new opportunities, and enhance their psychic abilities. Overall, Purple Fluorite is a powerful tool for spiritual growth and alignment.

The history of Purple Fluorite

The history of Purple Fluorite dates back centuries. Fluorite, in general, has been used for various purposes throughout history. The name “fluorite” is derived from the Latin word “fluere,” which means “to flow.” This name was given to the crystal due to its ability to melt easily when heated. In ancient times, Purple Fluorite was highly valued for its beauty and believed to possess mystical properties. It was often used by spiritual practitioners and healers to enhance their intuitive abilities and connect with higher realms. Today, Purple Fluorite continues to be cherished for its spiritual significance and is sought after by crystal enthusiasts and collectors worldwide.

What are the healing properties of Purple Fluorite?

Purple Fluorite has healing properties that help with spiritual connection and enlightenment. It is associated with the Crown chakra and opens and activates this energy center. This crystal also helps individuals find their purpose and stay focused on their soul path. Additionally, Purple Fluorite attracts new opportunities and enhances psychic abilities.

What are the metaphysical/spiritual properties of Purple Fluorite?

Purple Fluorite is highly regarded for its metaphysical and spiritual properties. It is associated with the Crown chakra, responsible for spiritual connection and enlightenment. By working with Purple Fluorite, individuals can open and activate their Crown chakra, allowing for a deeper connection to the divine. The color purple, associated with the Crown chakra, makes Purple Fluorite an ideal stone for this energy center. This crystal also assists in finding one’s purpose, maintaining focus on the soul path, attracting new opportunities, and enhancing psychic abilities. Overall, Purple Fluorite serves as a powerful tool for spiritual growth and alignment.

Purple Fluorite FAQ

What is Purple Fluorite used for?

Purple Fluorite is used for various purposes, including jewelry making, crystal healing, and meditation. Its vibrant purple color and unique properties make it a popular choice for both aesthetic and metaphysical purposes.

What does Purple Fluorite do?

Purple Fluorite enhances mental clarity and focus. It improves concentration and decision-making skills. Additionally, Purple Fluorite promotes spiritual growth and inner peace, making it a valuable tool for meditation and self-reflection.

Can Purple Fluorite go in water?

Yes, Purple Fluorite can be safely placed in water. It is a non-toxic gemstone that can be used for making gem elixirs or simply for cleansing and charging purposes. However, it is always recommended to research specific gemstone properties and consult a professional before using them in water.

How to cleanse Purple Fluorite?

To cleanse Purple Fluorite, you can use various methods such as smudging with sage or palo santo, placing it under running water, or burying it in the earth for a period of time. It is important to choose a cleansing method that resonates with you and your intentions.

What does Purple Fluorite do spiritually?

Purple Fluorite enhances spiritual growth and intuition. It opens and activates the third eye chakra, allowing for a deeper connection to one’s inner wisdom and higher consciousness. Purple Fluorite also assists in psychic development and accessing spiritual guidance.

How to clean Purple Fluorite?

To clean Purple Fluorite, you can gently wipe it with a soft cloth or use a mild soap and water solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the gemstone. It is important to handle Purple Fluorite with care to maintain its natural beauty and energy.

How to spot fake Purple Fluorite?

To spot fake Purple Fluorite, look for certain characteristics. Genuine Purple Fluorite has a consistent color throughout the stone, without any noticeable variations or discoloration. It has a smooth and polished surface, free from any rough edges or imperfections. Additionally, genuine Purple Fluorite has a natural fluorescence under UV light.

Is Purple Fluorite toxic?

Purple Fluorite is generally considered non-toxic and safe to handle. However, it is always recommended to wash your hands after handling any gemstone or crystal, as they may contain trace elements or minerals that could be harmful if ingested.

Where is Purple Fluorite found?

Purple Fluorite is found in various locations around the world, including China, Mexico, Argentina, and the United States. Each location may produce Purple Fluorite with slightly different characteristics and color variations.

How is Purple Fluorite pronounced?

Purple Fluorite is pronounced as “PUR-puhl FLOOR-ite.” The word “Fluorite” is derived from the Latin word “fluere,” which means “to flow,” referring to its ability to melt easily when heated.

What chakra is associated with Purple Fluorite?

Purple Fluorite is primarily associated with the third eye chakra, which is located in the center of the forehead. It stimulates and activates this chakra, enhancing intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight.

Can Purple Fluorite be in the sun?

While Purple Fluorite can be exposed to sunlight, it is recommended to limit its direct exposure for prolonged periods. Excessive sunlight may cause the color of the gemstone to fade over time. It is best to store Purple Fluorite in a cool and dark place when not in use.

How to charge Purple Fluorite?

To charge Purple Fluorite, place it in direct sunlight or moonlight for several hours. The energy from the sun or moon will infuse the gemstone, revitalizing its natural properties. You can also use other charging methods such as placing it on a selenite charging plate or using visualization techniques.

What is the hardness of Purple Fluorite?

Purple Fluorite has a hardness of 4 on the Mohs scale, which means it is relatively soft compared to other gemstones. It is important to handle Purple Fluorite with care to avoid scratching or damaging its surface.

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