There are 3 total classrooms available through Sage Goddess. They are Magical Sabbatical, Gem Wise and AroMagic. If you’re enrolled in the Holistic Healer program, this includes AroMagic, Gem Wise, and Magical Sabbatical.
What does my class include?
All monthly classes include access to the applicable classroom page on our site, one live video classroom each month, a secret Facebook group for said class, as well as kits and add-ons to enhance our learning. The new written content for each class will be available on the 1st of each month.
When will I be billed?
You will be billed on the day you sign up for classes. If you purchase classes after the 1st of the month, you will be billed a prorated amount for that month. For all the following months, you will be billed on the 1st of the month. It may take up to 48-72 hours for all billing to process at the start of the month. Please allow up to 3 days before contacting us.
Where’s the class schedule?
The class schedule for the current month is posted and pinned to the top of the secret class Facebook groups so you can access it anytime. Additional bonus classes may be offered during the month. I always announce the theme, date, and time of these bonus classes in the Facebook groups beforehand. If you miss the live class, I will add the recorded video to your online classroom by the next business day.
How do I find the classroom page?
Click on memberships on the top navigation bar on
There you will see all of the classrooms we offer. You can only access the classrooms you are enrolled in once you log into your account here:
What is the classroom page?
Your classroom page, which includes written course content to enhance your learning for the month, is accessible on Accessing the classroom pages on will require you to be logged into your Sage Goddess customer account.
This classroom includes written content on a variety of subjects we will cover. Additional content is added throughout the month, so I suggest checking in regularly. We post in Facebook when new content has been added. I also suggest familiarizing yourself with this written content prior to the live video class, so you have an introduction to the material we will cover. The content varies depending on which course you’re enrolled in. It may be informational and you may want to take notes. It all depends on your learning style. In Magical Sabbatical, I offer a variety of journal prompts and opportunities for self-observation and exploration.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way to approach these classes. This is adult education and I am not here to just give you all the answers, rather I am here to empower you to learn by being a guide and a teacher. We are also here to learn from our peers, so I encourage you to ask questions. (I will discuss where we do this in a moment.) Learn the way that works best for you. If you’re a person who reads information multiple times and learns that way, great! If you like to take notes, great! I encourage you to explore different methods and find your own personal learning style.
What about our video class?
With each class, you also get one live video classroom each month. If you cannot attend in real time, the recorded version will be added to your classroom page by the following business day. The live classes will be broadcast via YouTube and we will post the links to the livestream into the Facebook groups on the day of class.
What’s the best way to participate in the live broadcast?
We’ve found that the desktop version of YouTube is best for commenting through the chat.
How can I ask questions and join the conversation during the class?
Make sure your “chat” feature is turned on. On the upper right corner of your video screen, click on “chat”. If that doesn’t work, please read here.
Can Athena see who is watching, or just see the comment?
Yes; while Athena is live she can see the comments and usernames.
If I’m watching on my phone and have connection problems how can I watch what I missed?
You can still use the link that was provided in the Facebook group. The video link will also be provided in the Classroom once the class is over.
Who can access the video?
The classroom videos are unlisted, therefore only those with the links can see it. You will have to go to the group page to check out the link before class. After class the link will be available in the Classroom for you to enjoy whenever you’d like.
How long is the class?
The class is scheduled to run for one hour. However, Athena might go over time if she feels called to do so and if more information needs to be provided.
What if I can only watch for the one hour?
If you cannot attend in real time, the recorded version will be available shortly after, and you can find it in your classroom page.
Facebook groups
One of the most interactive parts of our classes takes place in our secret Facebook groups. You will be added to these groups within three business days of enrolling in class. This is a community of support for each of you. I suggest using this platform to connect with your peers. This is where you can ask questions pertaining to our course content. Many students have been with me for several years and they are old pros at how we do things, so reach out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance. I am also in the groups throughout the days, as are a few of my most trusted admins. We do our best to hold a sacred container in our groups where you feel seen, safe, and supported, but we also rely on you for help. These are your groups, so we encourage our members to step up and help keep the space sacred. And we can all do our part by taking personal responsibility for what we bring to the party.
Note for Facebook groups: If you use a different email to log into Facebook than you do to log into, please email [email protected] with your Facebook email address and which groups you need to be added to. Please allow us 48 hours (during business days) to get you in. Facebook limits how quickly we can add members to the groups as part of their spam protection policy. So, please be patient. Remember all things happen in divine time.
What about class tools?
Class tools are optional. We offer kits for each class to enhance the learning and give you tools to connect with the content I am teaching. I highly suggest getting the tools if possible, but there is no crisis if you cannot afford to do so. If necessary, use your discernment to decide which tools are right for you and which you can pass on. Unfortunately, some of the tools we will work with are limited in quantity, so there won’t always be enough for everyone and they are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We are doing our best to source enough quantity for everyone who has signed up for each class, and these listings are only available for you, not the general public.
If you miss a kit, don’t despair; it’s not the end of the world. Use it as a chance to practice acceptance and discernment. You can use tools from other sources or that you already own. For example, some essential oils and herbs we will use in AroMagic are available elsewhere. Feel free to use these. Some are more expensive than others, so use your best judgement to discern which tools you need on hand and which you can acquire later for your collection. The kits will be offered early each month for the next month’s classroom, so you have time to order and receive them for the next class. Don’t be confused when you see a new kit offered and wonder why it is not mentioned in the current month’s content – it’s for the next month!
Gem Wise: We will offer one kit of three stones each month that demonstrates the crystal structure we are studying that month. There is an overall theme for the month based on the metaphysical properties of each crystal structure. We will also offer extra add-on single stone listings to further complement and demonstrate the structure we are learning. These are the stones we will discuss and use as example during our live classrooms, and they are also covered in our written classroom page content. Again, these are optional and it is okay if you decide not to purchase these.
AroMagic: We will offer a kit of two herbs and two essential oils each month. Then we will also offer additional (1-2) bottles of essential oils or sample vials for you to purchase as add-ons to further your studies. These are the tools we will use during our video classroom, and they are also covered in our written classroom page content. Again, these are optional and it is okay if you decide not to purchase these. You can also use oils and herbs you already have! I do not require that you use our materials.
Magical Sabbatical: We will be offering a kit each month to give you tools that will enhance our class theme of the month. The tools in these kits may vary, but they will be centered around our monthly theme. Again, these are optional and it is okay if you cannot purchase these at this time. You can use tools you already own if needed.
Full Moon Kits: We will offer monthly full moon kits, which we will use during our full moon ritual each month. If you are in Holistic Healer or Magical Sabbatical, I suggest working with the tools offered in these kits, as we’ll continue to work with these deities throughout each month because they enhance and embody our monthly themes. Our content will remain centered around the chosen deities. Again, these are optional and it is okay if you decide not to or cannot purchase these at this time. You can use tools you already own if needed.
How can I access previous month’s classes?
If you were enrolled in the month’s classes, these will be archived on the first day of the next month. You will receive an email with a link and password to the archived class within the first week of the month. It will include all written content and videos.
If you were not enrolled in the month, you can buy the classes from prior months through a listing on
Thank you for putting this together in the midst of all that you’re doing in Tucson! It was very helpful information! 💜
Is anyone else trying to find their course? I can’t find gem wise, how to view the course, where the course gems are offered, and the materials? Please help me
Hi, I know there’s been issues with the Facebook for Sabbatical :/
Thank you so much for the blog. It has helped me understand some thing I have never been told before. Athena you are going to be dearly missed when you stop teaching and doing you Full Moon rituals. I know I’m speaking for myself but I’m also sure there are others that feel the same way I do. Im a very quite people and dont know anyone walking in the beliefs I have, so I haven’t had a teacher before you. You have taught me a lot these last couple years. Thank you for who you are and you do.
Much love,
Stephen-ie Hunt